Floral Arrangement

I found this pink elegant lady sitting by herself at 2nd Ave Thrift Store among the other glasses.  She stood out for sure, I mean she’s a beauty, but I wasn’t sure if I should take her home.  I didn’t get an immediate inspiration, but I noticed her price tag was one of the half priced colors of the day and hoped our true connection would happen later.  And it did, much quicker than I imagined.  When I got home and looked at her again and realized she would look great with some Creme De Violette, which was sitting pretty much unused on my bar.  Next to the Creme de Violette was St Germaines, an elder-flower liqueur, and I knew I needed to make something fun and flowery to fill this stunning new glass.  And since spring has just sprung it felt like the perfect time to celebrate.  I chose vodka as my main harder spirit since I didn’t want to take too much away from the flower dance I was creating.  And why not add a little hibiscus juice and rose water to class the whole thing up. It took a little bit of testing to get the proportions right so no one flavor overpowered them all (I’m looking at you rose water).  This recipe seems like a perfectly balanced bouquet and the best cocktail to highlight this gorgeous glass!