Last Minute July 4th Plans

 I’m going to be honest, I didn’t have a July 4th drink planned.  The morning of July 3rd I realized I should have done something patriotic, but just figured no one would notice or care.  But last night I had a Zoom call with comedian Darryl Charles and the first thing he asked was what drink I had planned for 4th of July.  I immediately got to work trying to find the most America glass I could find, which was this Liberty Belle glass from @ehinkley.  I then rushed to the liquor store to pick up some Philadelphia distilled vodka by Union Forge.  It’s one of the cleanest vodkas I’ve ever tasted.  I then decided to go with a flavor I associate with July 4th and happened to have in my fridge- watermelon. I also figured I’d use the cucumber mint simple syrup I made for Smashing The Plates and some rhubarb bitters I recently purchased to add to my bar.  The result is a super refreshing summer sipper that’s perfect for any backyard BBQ.  So why not shake one of these up tonight to sip while you watch some fireworks and celebrate the birth of this crazy nation.