The Myrtle

I found this glass many years ago at the thrift store for 50 cents.  It seemed like a tragedy that a glass so beautiful and so old had to wear such a low price tag.  She was certainly purchased with care in 1901 Atlantic City by (or for) Myrtle and she deserved the best! I knew I had to take her home and put her in a place of honor in my china cabinet.   When I started to create cocktails specifically for glassware I knew she had a full story to tell so I got to work.  I decided I wanted to create a cocktail that its original owner may have ordered while on her vacation in 1901.  I was able to find a menu for a restaurant in Atlantic City from July 21, 1901 and I took note of the fruits that were being served for dessert.  I did some mild food history research and I found that this was around the time oranges first started shipping all across the United States from California, probably making them a trendy, more exotic treat than the berries that could be grown locally.  With cocktail treads from that time, I decided to create a gin sour that used the fruit flavors on the menu, including the new and exciting orange and syrup from canned peaches.  And since I am who I am, I only used brands that were available in 1901- (Tanqueray gin and Del Monte peaches) and a Valencia orange, which would have been seasonal that July.  If you make  this cocktail yourself, you don't have to put that much effort in, but who doesn’t love being historically accurate?  This drink is a refreshing summer sipper that is perfect for anyone relaxing on their trip to Atlantic City.  I hope I created something Myrtle herself would have loved!