Shrubmitted For Your Approval
Picture if you will, my new cocktail- Shrubmitted For Your Approval. This glass has been in my collection forever. I’ve used it for tons of drinks over the years, but the most notable experience I’ve had was using it as a prop glass in a Goat Rodeo sketch comedy show titled Submitted For Your Approval. The show was inspired by The Twilight Zone and my role was playing the Rod Serling character coming out between sketches to connect them. My character was always smoking a cigarette and sipping from this glass. As the show goes on, Rod Serling gets progressively drunker and eventually starts crying about his ex wife. At the end of the show he would be eating a cheeseburger on the floor before passing out. Three shows of the 4 night show run went perfectly. I drank some watered down J&Bs Scotch all night and was delightfully buzzed but still in control by the end. The third night however, I got waaaay too drunk and ended up actually falling to the floor with my cheeseburger. It probably wouldn’t have been that big of a deal, but that night after the show I also had a rehearsal for a reading of War of the Worlds, which frankly is a tough read when you're stone sober. Sure, it wasn’t my finest moment but it's pretty funny to look back on now. So I wanted to make a drink that honored that show and my sketch team Goat Rodeo. As previously mentioned, I used J&Bs scotch for the show since the label fit the 60s aesthetic from the Twilight Zone. And there were always two constants when it came to snacks in the Goat Rodeo writers’ room; Herr's salt and vinegar chips and Haribo gummy candies. While listening to @thesloppyboys I learned that shrub cocktails contain vinegar or a fruit/vinegar syrup as an ingredient. I went on a weird journey and decided to make a shrub syrup from apple cider vinegar and Haribo gummies. Not sure if I was transported to another dimension but frankly I’m thrilled with how it came out. I added in some lemon juice and made a zingy and tasty J&Bs shrub. Enjoy this drink- just make sure you don’t drink too much and end up on the floor.